The present paper will explain the religious democracy in the ideologies of leaders of the Islamic republic of Iran (Imam Khomeini and Ayatollah Khamenei), with in three theoretical, principles and components of religious democracy. In the thoughts of Imam Khomeini and ayatollah Khamenei there is a firm link between religion and politics, and democracy originates from religion.
Monday, January 17, 2022 10:22
In January 1963, the Shah announced a six-point program of reform called the White Revolution, an American-inspired package of measures designed to give his regime a liberal and progressive facade.
Thursday, November 11, 2021 08:00
Forty-two years ago on November 4, Iranian students took over the American embassy in Tehran, also known in Iran as the “Den of Espionage”.
Thursday, November 04, 2021 10:24
The leader of Islamic Revolution Imam Ayatollah Seyyed Ali once said Khamenei [Khomeini] was a person who advocated and brought about transformation. As for bringing about transformation, his role was not confined to being a mere teacher and instructor, rather he played the role of a commander active on the field and leading in the true sense of the word.
Tuesday, June 01, 2021 02:56
Wednesday, March 17, 2021 04:56
Imam Khomeini in a historic interview conducted just months before the victory of the Islamic Revolution, strongly denounced the US and other powers for violating the rights of the Iranian nation.
Thursday, January 28, 2021 10:50
Four decades ago, on 22 September 1980, a day etched in the collective Iranian consciousness, Iraqi airstrikes took the country by surprise. Eight major Iranian airbases and four military installations were targeted. Iran was a sitting duck.
Friday, September 25, 2020 10:50
Well, little by little, the Western historians are starting to come to grips with the reality of the 1953 coup staged by the British intelligence agency MI6 and the American CIA against the democratically elected Mossadegh government in Iran.
Tuesday, August 18, 2020 04:02